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Child Flow Chart
The flow chart below shows how a child might interact with the app. From their dashboard screen, they might navigate to their stats via the "My Money" tab at the bottom. Here they will see the money they have spent, earned, and saved. They might then navigate to the "Learn & Earn" tab to see if there are educational tasks they can do to earn money (these can be set by the parents or the children can do and ask their parents via the chat feature - for extra money). Finally, the "Asks & Tasks" button will lead to the chats the children will have either with their parents or guardians. Underneath will be a section for the chore tasks assigned to them. User testability needs to be performed if this is a great way to use the space or if the chore tasks should just be kept in the dashboard screen and be replaced with their activities instead.
Below are the most recent versions of some screens. As a next step before reiterating my designs, I will conduct user tests with children to validate assumptions made and uncover any frustrations or confusion with the current design.